Pawnee Water Facility
Socially responsible water supply solution for oil and gas development, providing non-tributary, high quality water though storage, piped solutions and a 6 bay truck loadout. Non-tributary water has no impact on tributary basins, where competing water supply needs can impact other water rights and put pressure on water costs and availability for municipalities and the agricultural community. Beginning in 2013, Grassland Water Solutions built out the infrastructure and production capabilities, expanding delivery rates to 50,000 bbl/day. The facility was the only large-scale groundwater development across Northern Colorado at the time. GWS exited the business in Q4 2016 but has continued to stay involved in an advisory role.
Wingfoot Water Resources/Terry Ranch
A non-tributary, groundwater resource located in close proximity to Front Range communities, representing a valuable water supply and storage option for drought supplies and long term water security. Utilizing aquifer storage and recovery technology, approximately $300 million in evaporative losses can be saved when compared to typical surface water storage projects. Through extensive field work, scientific study, coordination with State agencies and local land owners, and program management the original non-tributary water right decree was increased 78%. Additional value added through negotiated easements and a groundwater lease with the Colorado State Land Board. GWS structured an innovative PPP with the City of Greeley in 2021, turning over all project assets along with a $125 million cash commitment towards infrastructure development.
Boulder County Storage Project
Water storage and irrigation supply project supporting ongoing agricultural use and rural conservation values while exploring innovative soil enhancement techniques and water re-use capabilities.